Tag Archives: cancer

Hopefully it’s Nothing….

In the past couple of weeks, I've been hoping for nothing. To some, that might ring pessimistic.  As missiles rain down on my country, air raids sounding off in every city of Israel, each of us prays and hopes that our home won't be hit. And if my house is hit, God forbid, hopefully it's nothing.... Hopefully we'll be in the bomb shelter and only the house will be destroyed. When the Iron Dome takes down a Gazan missile over Tel Aviv, hopefully it's nothing.... hopefully no one will be hit with more info

When Is Enough… Enough?

How do we know when we have truly done enough? Tried enough? Studied enough? Spent enough time.... enough attention? Prayed enough? Given enough? Thanked enough? Cared enough?

Coming to the end of a very difficult week, in Israel, it's very hard to separate the emotions in my personal life from the feelings we're experiencing as a Nation. The soil is beginning to settle atop three freshly covered graves of 3 teenaged boys. As I type away, from the safety of my air-conditioned quiet home, my phone blasts Color Red alarms as more info

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