Category: Blog

Good-bye Forever Denial

cloudsIt cannot possibly be okay or right or acceptable to have to say good-bye forever.

Rosh HaShanna and Yom Kippur thrust me into thinking about morbidity and of course reflect on the unknowns of the future and my life. I'm miraculously in remission for the second time. MIRACLES. So why do I think about death? Why would I need to worry about that right now? Today, everything is fine, praise G-d. Yet, the decorations I never got around to taking down from the Sukkah are fading and more info

Maybe You’ll Be Old Someday


Almost everyday, I see or hear the words:
I'm so old!
I don't want to be old!
Oh no, 30 (or 40 or 50....) that's so old!
Blah blah... such 'n such... OMG we are getting SO old!

Really? Old? Is that a bad thing because I'm praying for my next birthday and the next.... I don't know if I'll see 40 but I'm sure excited about the opportunity and the same goes for 50 and 60 and 70....

I know it's more info

The Sweetest Place on Earth

Chai4ever patients and children took a break from illness to visit the sweetest place on earth - Hershey Park!

The misty weather could not dampen their spirits. Patients and their families enjoyed a full day at the park, a delectable lunch in the park's Sukkah, and gifts for their children.

Smiles. Hope. Strength. Spirit.

Click through the gallery to view the pictures!


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