to families
When a parent has cancer or another life threatening illness...
...sends the children off to school in the morning?
...does homework with the kids each night?
When a parent has cancer or another life threatening illness...
...cooks dinner for the family?
...drives mom or dad to and from medical appointments?
When a parent has cancer or another life threatening illness...
...sings lullabies and reads bedtime stories to the children?
...supports the family for months or years of a prolonged illness?
When a parent has cancer or another life threatening illness...
...does the family make it financially if the breadwinner cannot work?
...will the children pick up the pieces if mom or dad dies? How will the surviving spouse go on?
When a parent has cancer or another life threatening illness...
...will each family member release the tension and stress of unrelenting illness?
...will the patient and his/her spouse maintain a strong marriage throughout the tough times?
When a parent has cancer or another life threatening illness...
...can patients navigate the complex intricacies of medical coverage?
...do children cope with the lack of routine and the unexpected changes in their lives?
Fill out this application and email it to us at volunteer@chai4ever.org or mail it back to us at:
Chai4ever Volunteer Services
1221 Madison Ave.
Lakewood, NJ 08701
In The News
- Chai4ever Children and Parents get a Pesach Reprieve
https://baltimorejewishlife.com/news/news-detail.php?SECTION_ID=1&ARTICLE_ID=117584 - The Blessing of Chai4ever
https://www.jewishlinknj.com/features/28720-the-blessing-of-chai4ever - Chanukah Gala

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